Dr. Jack Rudnick, Jr. is a tenured Professor at Thomas More College in the Department of Business Administration and Accountancy. He served as a healthcare administrator in the United States Navy Medical Service Corps in Charleston, SC and as a Physician/Medical Programs Recruiter Philadelphia, PA. Prior to this full-time engagement, he served in the following roles: Chief Operating Officer for a large specialty medical group practice and ambulatory surgery center; Administrator, long term care facilities; Director, grant for a school-based health center initiative; and, Vice President, large healthcare systems. A Boston native and Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives, Dr. Rudnick has served as a practitioner for healthcare organizations in Ohio, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Kentucky. He and his wife, Kathleen (Cranley), have three children: Kathleen (Ragan), Jonathan, and Jane as well as a grandson, Declan. They make their home in Cold Spring, KY.
Courses Taught:
MGT 621 Leadership Practices and Negotiation; MGT 630 Corporate Social Responsibility; MGT 613 Strategy Evaluation, Formulation, and Implementation; PRJ 692 Masters Capstone Project; HCM 370 Principles of United States Health Care Delivery; HCM 480 Health Care Policy and Legal Issues
Research Interests:
Research interests are interdisciplinary and have focused on the following: elder abuse neglect and awareness, lean six sigma/process improvement, transformational leadership, critical thinking and employer work skills gaps, community health assets mapping, and international adoption advocacy. He has developed coursework in comparative health systems relative to the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland; and has taught students abroad several times in the field.
Selected Publications:
Rejaud, J.M.,Rudnick, J.D. Jr., Allen, P., Zakery, F., and Quigley, B. (2018). Preparing for a future in global business and global service. International Journal of Business Management and Commerce , 3(4), 52-60.
Rudnick, J.D., Jr., Cahill, D.J, and Schumacher, A.J. (2016). Leveraging the heterogeneity of critical thinking: Creating new knowledge in the classroom. The Transnational Journal of Business, 1(1), 21-34. Rudnick, J.D., Jr. and Teaster, P.B. (2013) Elder abuse and neglect: A survey of clergy awareness, knowledge and intervention preferences. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, January, 2013 (online); March, 2013, 34(1) (print version.) Rudnick, J.D., Jr. (2009). Elder abuse and neglect: A survey of clergy awareness, knowledge, intervention preferences, and perceived severity. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. Rudnick, J.D., Jr. Transformational leadership model transcends personal ambition. Health Progress, May-June, 2007, 88:3, 36-39. Rudnick, J.D., Jr., 2000. Adoption and Spirituality: A Practical Guide and Reflections. Willis: Florence, KY. Rudnick, J.D., Jr. One hospital’s experience with layoffs. Health Progress, September-October,1995, 5:3. Rudnick, J.D., Jr. and Morgan, K., Healthcare management/early career development: A process and consideration for making the most of an abbreviated practicum. The Journal of Health Administration, Spring, 1989, 7:2, 267-277.
Selected Professional Meetings and Presentations:
ACBSP: Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education, Toronto, Canada (2017) ; Lilly International Teaching Symposium, Oxford, OH (, 2017) Lilly International Teaching Symposium, Oxford, OH. (2016.) ACBSP Bridging the Talent Gap Between Higher Education and Employers Cancun, Mexico 2016)
Departments | Positions | Titles |
Business Administration | Faculty | Professor / Program Manager, Health Care Management |