Stephanie Snyder Koch, Ph. D.

phone 859-344-3374
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place S307
today My first year at TMU was 2017


2016     Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

2014    Master of Science (M.Sc.), Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

2007    Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biology & Marine Science, Coastal Carolina University

Additional Information


Dr. Snyder has worked around the world studying how organisms move about in their environments. She has logged more than 5 months at sea. Her research has taken her to estuaries in coastal South Carolina, mangrove forests in the Bahamas, kelp forests in Southern California, coral reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba, intertidal zone in Puget Sound, and open ocean habitats in the California Current, the Eastern Equatorial Pacific near the Galapagos Islands, and in the North Sea. As a professor in the department of biological sciences at Thomas More College, Dr. Snyder hopes to inspire students to participate in international experiences and to seek out internship opportunities in the marine sciences. Currently, she is developing study abroad courses in biodiversity and is continuing to collaborate with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration as well as the American Fishermen’s Research Foundation to study albacore tuna migration in the North Pacific Ocean.

Courses Taught: Environmental Science, Animal Behavior, Comparative Anatomy, Vertebrate Biology, Marine Biology

Research Interests: Broadly, I am interested in what drives animal migration and movement patterns. However, I focus mainly on understanding how different oceanographic conditions influence migration of large pelagic predators, specifically those related to our fisheries. I also enjoy observing animal behavior given different ecological and environmental pressures and trying to understand those behaviors within the context of mechanistic models.


Snyder, S., K. Thorup, C. Rahbek, S. Kohin and P.J.S. Franks (submitted) Habitat suitability trumps philopatry: Migratory patterns of a pelagic fish along a latitudinal gradient

 Snyder, S., Y. Xu, L. Talley, S. Kohin, and P.J.S. Franks (2017) Crossing the line: Tunas actively exploit submesoscale fronts to enhance foraging success. Limnology and Oceanography Letters

Harrison, D.P., M. G. Hinton, S. Kohin, E. Armstrong, S. Snyder, F. O’Brien, & D. K. Kiefer (2017) The pelagic habitat analysis module (PHAM) for ecosystem based fisheries science and management. Fisheries Oceanography

Snyder, S. and P.J.S. Franks. (2016) Quantifying the effect of sensor coatings on body temperature measurements Animal Biotelemetry. 4 (8).

Snyder, S., L. E. Nadler, J. S. Bayley, M.B.S. Svendsen, J. L. Johansen, P. Domenici and J. F. Steffensen (2016) Effect of closed versus intermittent-flow respirometry on hypoxia tolerance in aquatic breathers. Journal of Fish Biology 88 (1).

Abbriano, R.M., M.M. Carranza, S.L. Hogle, R.A. Levin, A.N. Netburn, K.L. Seto, S.M. Snyder, SIO280, and P.J.S. Franks (2011) Deepwater Horizon oil spill: A review of the planktonic response. Oceanography 24 (3): 294–301.

Childers, J., S. Snyder, and S. Kohin (2011) Migration and behavior of juvenile north Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga). Fisheries Oceanography. 20(3): 157-173.

Smith, J., S. Snyder, J. Berkson, B.R. Murphy, and S.L. McMullin (2009) Fisheries Management of Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico: A Case Study. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 38: 115-27.

Employee Roles
Departments Positions Titles
Biological Sciences Faculty Associate Professor

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