Reverend Gerald E. Twaddell, D. Phil.

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today My first year at TMU was 1977


B.A., St. Pius X Seminary, Erlanger, KY (1963) Dipl. E.F.M., University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (1965) S.T.B., Catholic University of Paris, Paris, France (1967) M.A., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (1974) Lic. Phil., Catholic University of Paris, Paris, France (1974) M. Phil. & Habilitation, Catholic University of Paris, Paris, France (1974) D. Phil., Catholic University of Paris, Paris, France (1977)

Areas of Expertise and Research Interests

Philosophy French Metaphysics Applied Ethics "Public Philosophy"


Review of Les Directives de la Symbolisation, by J. M. Breuvart, in Process Studies, Winter 1978. “Peirce and Hegel on Observation”, Kentucky Philosophical Association, Spring, 1978. “More's Lesson on the Structure of Political Discourse in Utopia”, Thomas More Quincentennial Confer-ence, February 1978. “Evaluating for Quality”; “Recognizing Quality”; “Communicating Quality”: a series of papers prepared for the membership of the Consortium on Quality in Nontraditional Education at the University of Chicago, 1981. (A revised version of these papers was prepared for publication as a chapter to be entitled “Generative Evaluation” in a book that was to be the culmination of work under the Mina Shaughnessy Scholarship program. Publication is no longer anticipated because of unforeseen cir-cumstances affecting other proposed chapters of that book.) “Can Philosophy be a Vitally Important Topic?”, Presidential Address to the Kentucky Philosophical As-sociation, November 1982. “Utopias: The Uses of the Impractical”, Hillenmeyer Lecture Series, April 22, 1985. “Do we need to talk about moral rights?”, East Central Conference if the American Catholic Philosophical Association, November 11, 1990 (invited). Painless Latin, adaptation and translation of a text (Le Latin sans Peine, C. Dessard, Chennevières, France: 1966) for introductory Latin courses at the College. This book is expected to improve the rate of acquisition of vocabulary and grammar to permit a student with only two semesters of study in the language to use it profitably in reading. Christian Latin Readings: Lectiones ad usum scholasticorum cursu medio ex operis Auctorum Christianorum excerptae, 1988 “A Novel Approach to An Ethics Assignment”, in Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, Newark DE: American Philosophical Association, 1990, Vol. 90:1 Review of An Inquiry into the Good, by Kitaro Nishida, in Dialogue & Alliance, Fall, 1992. “Rationing Health Care”, St. Elizabeth Hospital Continuing Education Program in Medical Ethics, Edge-wood Kentucky, May 15, 1991. “Ownership: Social or Personal? Thinking about Centesimus Annus”, College Theology Society, Cincinnati Ohio, October 5, 1991. “Health Care Allocation Plans: A Moral Appraisal”, St. Elizabeth Hospital Continuing Education Program in Ethics and Health Care, Crestview Hills, Kentucky, May 19, 1992. Review of Cradled in Human Hands: A Textbook on Environmental Responsibility by Eileen P. Flynn, in Dialogue & Alliance, Spring 1993. Commentary on “Foreknowledge and Free Will: Plantinga's Proposed Solution” by Franklin M. Mangrum, Ph. D., Kentucky Philosophical Association, November 1995 Commentary on “Naturalizing Epistemology” by Jeffery Nicholas, Kentucky Philosophical Association, November 1997. Presentation on “Teaching about Values” for the 12th International Workshop/Conference on Teaching Philosophy August 1998, Mansfield University, Mansfield PA. Translations published: of “17.492 coram Boccafola 21 November 2002” (pp. 69 – 89), and “17.837 coram Alwan 12 April 2002” (pp.109 – 127); review of translations of “17.884 coram Boccafola 18 Novem-ber 1999” (pp. 129 – 137) and “18.572 coram Sciacca 9 May 2003” (pp. 169 – 190) in Rotal Jurispru-dence, edited by Sister Victoria Vonderberger, RSM, J.C.L., Washington D. C.: Canon Law Society of America, 2011. Translation of « Réputation de sainteté et fécondité spirituelle : le cas de Jacques et Raïssa Maritain. Entre histoire et mémoire ». [Reputation for Holiness and Spiritual Fruitfulness: The Case Of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain. Between History and Memory], by Florian Michel for the February 2104 meeting of the International Maritain Association. Published as “Chapter I, Jacques and Raïssa Maritain: Repu-tation for Holiness and Spiritual Fruitfulness” in The Wisdom of Youth: Essays Inspired by the Early Work of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain, edited by Travis Dumsday, American Maritain Association, Washington D.C.: Catholic University Press, 2016. Translation of «Une histoire atlantique des intellectuels catholiques? Bilan, enjeux et perspectives» [An At-lantic History of Catholic intellectuals? Appraisal, stakes and perspectives] by Florian Michel, Études d’histoire religieuses, vol. 79, no 1, 2013 p. 9-30, for University of Notre Dame Summer Program in Rome, 2014. Translation of « Intellectuels, théologiens et culture catholique française au XXe siècle » [French intellectuals, theologians and culture in the XXth century] by Florian Michel, Chapter 25 in Histoire du Catholicism en France, p 407-421. Translation of La Pensée Catholique en Amérique du Nord, 1920 – 1960, [Catholic Thought in North America. 1920 – 1960] by Florian Michel, Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2010. The Catholic University of Amer-ica Press decide in late 2023 to publish the translation. I am reviewing and revising the text and ex-pect to complete the work by mid-summer.2006 Lingua Latina Tironibus Accomodata, an introductory college textbook based on the Latin of St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Ars Minor of Ælius Donatus whose 4th century work served as a basic children’s textbook for native speakers of Latin until well into the Middle Ages. “From Opening Move to End Game: Imagining a Chess Community”, International Society for Mac-Intyrean Enquiry, Eleventh Annual Conference on Utopia and Reasonable Hope, 3–5 July 2017 Université Paris X, Nanterre, France. “The Cross and Eucharist” in The Messenger, weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Covington, KY Good Friday edition, 15 April 2019 “Pondering Patriotism”, Inaugural Lecture of the Wilbert L. & Ellen Hackman Ziegler Endowed Chair in the Department of Philosophy, 21 February 2022 “The Common Good versus Idiocy”, 2nd Annual Public Lecture of the Wilbert L. & Ellen Hackman Zieg-ler Endowed Chair in the Department of Philosophy, 21 March 2023. “The Failures of Courage”, 3rd Annual Public Lecture of the Wilbert L. & Ellen Hackman Ziegler En-dowed Chair in the Department of Philosophy, 20 March 2024.


Appointed to the Council of the North-Central Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as Co-Vice Chancellor of the Squire Program. Pius IX Award for Service to the Lieutenancy as Co-Vice Chancellor of the Squire Program. 2020 Appointed Chaplain of His Holiness (with the title “Monsignor”) by Pope Francis, 8 June, 2020. Promoted to the rank of Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. 2014 Member of the Board of Education for Covington Latin School. 8 April, commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Steven L. Beshear. 2013 Member of the Board of Education for Covington Latin School. August 24, panel participant on “Dialogue” television program, WKRC TV, Cincinnati, OH (produced in cooperation with the National Conference of Christians and Jews); Topic: “How Do We Experi-ence God Today?” (aired in September, 1992) . June & July, Thomas More College Leadership Institute, Ethical advisor for program on political leadership. 1984 86 Member of the Board of Directors of the Christian Conciliation Service of Cincinnati [Finance Committee (1984); Executive Committee (1985 ex officio as Vice Chairman of the Board); Education Commit-tee (1986)]; also continued to serve as a volunteer mediator. 1983 Mina Shaughnessy Scholar, designated by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education, as a member of a team to prepare a book to be entitled Promises to Keep: a Practitioner Perspective on Quality in Degree Programs for Adults. 1982 Participant selected for the Mellon Foundation Regional Faculty Development Program at Vanderbilt Uni-versity on “Corporate Social Responsibility”. 1979 Judge for annual Regional Competition in Foreign Languages for High School Students (French & Latin). 1980 81 Member of the Consortium on Quality in Nontraditional Education, University of Chicago (Chaired Work-ing Group on Quality and Evaluation). 1979 Judge, Student Essay Competition of the Kentucky Philosophical Association. 1977 78 Thomas More College Self Study Committee on Finances (Chairperson) .

Additional Information

Rev. Gerald E. Twaddell, D.Phil., is a fulltime member of the Department of Philosophy and serves as Chaplain of the University. He is also the Wilbert L. and Ellen Hackman Zeigler Endowed Chair of Philosophy. The courses he teaches most frequently are those in applied ethics, theory of values, philosophy of religion, philosophy of education, philosophy of history, and philosophy of law. He also offers introductory courses in Latin.  Since 1991 he has served the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal as a Defender of the Bond of Matrimony.  In that connection in recent years he has published translations of Latin texts from the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the American Canon Law Society. He has also translated from the French a book on Catholic thought in North America, as well as a number of papers by the same author, one of which appeared as the first chapter in a book published in February 2016.  In October of 2017 he was invested as a Knight in the papal Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; he has recently been named Prior for the Kentucky Section of the Order.

2024 "Blessed are Those Who Mourn", Advent Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 7 December 2023 2024 "Blessed are Those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness", Lenten Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 16 March 2024 2023 "Blessed are the Meek", , Advent Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 3 December 2023 2023 “Lenten Eucharistic Graces”, Lenten Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 25 March 2023. , 2022 “The Trinity’s Imprint”, Advent Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 3 December 2022. Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, 12 November 2022. “Christian Hope”, Lenten Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepul-chre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 2 April 2022. 2021 “Messianic Prophecy”, Advent Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 4 December 2021. “Prophecy in Ancient Israel”, Lenten Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Covington & Lexington Section, 27 March 2021. Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, 17 January 2022. 2019 “In Search of Poverty of Spirit” Advent Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Kentucky Section, 14 December 2019. “Death and Resurrection” Lenten Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Kentucky Section, 6 April 2019. 2018 “Living the Great Doxology Part II”, Advent Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Kentucky Section, 15 December 2018. Named Prior of the Kentucky Section of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jeru-salem, North Central Lieutenancy. Recipient of the Pilgrim Shell of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, personally con-ferred by the Grand Prior of the Order, Archbishop Pierbatista Pizzabala, O.F.M., Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 8 June 2018. Recipient of the Covington Latin School “Bonitatem” Award, 20 May 2018. Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, 17April 2018. Attended Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Philosophical Association 14 April 2018. “Living the Great Doxology Part I: Through Him, With Him, and In Him”, Lenten Day of Reflection for the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Kentucky Section, 17 March 2018; Archdiocese of Cincinnati Section, 23 March 2018. 2017 Created Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Papal Order) at the Investiture Ceremonies of the North Central Lieutenancy of the EOHSJ, held in Indianapolis IN, 23 October, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, KGCSJ presiding.. Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. 2016 Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. 2015 Member of the Board of Education for Covington Latin School. Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring.  Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. 2012 Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. 2011 Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. Messenger May 8, 2011 “Holy Attire”. 2010 Provided training for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Dioce-san Worship Commission, Fall and Spring. 2006 October, chaired session of the A.C.P.A. annual meeting in Granville OH. 2002 October, chaired session of the A.C.P.A. annual meeting in Cincinnati OH. September, addressed local chapter of Association of Financial Accountants on Business Ethics. August, coordinated the 14th International Workshop/Conference of the American Associa-tion of Philosophy Teachers at T.M.C. June, Retreat for the Priests of the Diocese of Covington: “Values that Shape Ministry”. 1998 May, Retreat for Retired Sisters of Divine Providence: “Believing in the Holy Spirit”. 1995 May, Retreat for Sisters of Divine Providence: “Ancient Values for a New Millennium”. 1994 April, debate (vs. Arnold Wilson of U.C.) on the existence of God for the Free Inquiry Group of Cincinnati. 1992 August 30, cited in CrossRoads, (Vol III: 13, p.8) Diocesan Newspaper of the Diocese of Lexington, KY, in “The Practicing Catholic and the Voting Citizen”. 1991 July, Address before National Reunion of the Cursillo Movement, “Conflict Resolution Among Christians” (invited) . June 20, Talk on Business Ethics for C.E.O. Roundtable of Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. February, Four Lectures for Ascension Lutheran Church, Montgomery, Ohio (“May The Patient Be Harmed?”; “What Should Patients be Told?”; “Who Should Have Access to Health Care?”; “Who Should Be Treated?”) . 1990 March, Two Lectures on Topics in Medical Ethics for Senior Religion Class at Covington Latin School. 1989 90 Chair, Committee on Library Standards, for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Self Study for Reaffirmation of Accreditation. 1989 Introduction for Hillenmeyer Lecturer at annual Lawyer's Brunch October 1989 Four Lectures on Business Ethics for the Adult Forum at Ascension Lutheran Church, Montgomery, OH. 1987 Discussion leader on “Critical Thinking Skills” for College sponsored Academic Potential Workshop for High School Administrators and Counselors. 1977 78 Thomas More College Self Study Committee on Finances (Chairperson) . 1977 Speaker for Associate Degree Commencement Exercises. Topic: “On Going No Where: The Values of Thomas More”.



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