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: Student Affairs
: Provost
: 05/27/2020
: 05/27/2020
: 05/27/2021

Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal Policy

Comment on Policy


All Thomas More University students


Thomas More University is committed to student success and to the safety and welfare of its community. This policy sets forth the expectations in making determinations regarding a student’s medical or compassionate withdrawal and conditions for return.


Medical Withdrawal - withdrawal for reasons of a medical or mental health condition 

Compassionate Withdrawal - withdrawal due to a situation that significantly impairs a student's ability to function successfully as a student.  For example, care of a seriously ill child or spouse or a death in the student's immediate family.


Students may apply for a medical or compassionate withdrawal in writing to the Dean of Students for consideration. Requests may be submitted up to two weeks after the semester ends.  All applications for medical or compassionate withdrawals require thorough and credible documentation.  Usually, consideration is for a complete withdrawal; however, applications for less than a complete withdrawal must be especially well documented to justify the selective nature of the partial withdrawal.  

Determinations regarding medical and compassionate withdrawals and any expected return to the University are tailored to each individual student needs and circumstances following the procedures outlined in this policy. All approved requests will result in the assignment of a grade of “W” for each course on the student’s transcript.  The student will be billed and financially responsible for any and all payment(s) due to the University as a result of the withdrawal.  Students receiving financial assistance are strongly encouraged to consult with a representative from the Office of Financial Aid, as withdrawing may have financial aid and monetary consequences. In some circumstances, students who withdraw under this policy may receive tuition or housing credit to be refunded or used upon re-enrollment at Thomas More University.  Such decisions are made on a case by case basis and are individualized to the particular student’s situation. The University reserves the right to require that a student who receives a medical withdrawal provide documentation indicating that he or she is fit to reenroll in a subsequent semester. 


Attendance Policy

Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy

Official and Unofficial Withdrawal Policy

Tuition Refund Policy


  1. Student submits request in writing to the Dean of Students.  The date received by the Dean of Students is the date of notification.  
  2. The Dean of Students coordinates a decision and response based upon consultations with the Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Financial Aid, and Controller's Office. If additional documentation or information is needed, the student is notified.
  3. The University must make a decision within 30 days from the date of notification.  If the student has not submitted the necessary documentation, the withdrawal will be processed as a standard withdrawal according to the appropriate policies and procedures.  The date of withdrawal is the date of notification, unless otherwise determined.
  4. The decision is communicated by the Dean of Students to the student, Office of Academic Affairs, Office of the Registrar, Office of Financial Aid, and Controller's Office.  The decision is final and cannot be appealed.
  5. The final decision and supporting documentation are retained in the Office of the Registrar.





Supersedes Policy

Summarize Change

May 2020

Medical Withdrawals section of the Financial Aid Withdrawal/Refund Policy of the Catalog;

Late withdrawal section of the Official and Unofficial Withdrawal Policy of the Catalog

Develop consistent process, authority, and documentation




Antwone Cameron, Dean of Students

Mark Messingschlager, Director of Financial Aid

Maria C. Garriga, Acting Provost

Robert A. Munson, Vice President for Finance and Operations, CFO