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: Compliance Group
: President
: 07/09/2018
: 07/09/2018
: 07/09/2019

Policy on Policies

Comment on Policy


This policy applies to all employees and students.

This policy does not apply to the Bylaws of Thomas More University or the Faculty Constitution. 


This policy addresses the process for maintaining all Thomas More University policy.  This policy enhances operational efficiency and effective decision making, as well as ensuring policies are widely disseminated, understandable, consistent, and appropriately approved. 


Approving Official: Administrator who has final approval of policy

University Policy: Policy with broad and direct application across the University; requires the president’s approval

Departmental Policy: Policy that pertains to matters within the exclusive function of a particular academic, administrative, or organizational unit of the University

Responsible Office: Office responsible for implementation and review of policy

Procedures: Describes the action taken to implement and enforce the policy


Policies at Thomas More University are developed to ensure (i) compliance with applicable laws and regulations and accreditation standards, (ii) adoption of operational efficiencies and best practices, and/or (iii) promotion of mission-centered values and objectives.

All policies must use a standard format, comply with the procedures outlined in this policy, and follow governing processes for approval.  The Compliance Group oversees the drafting, approval, disseminiation, and review of all policy. 


Faculty Constitution, Faculty Role in Decision-Making

Bylaws of Thomas More University, Powers and Duties of the Board


The process for developing, approving, amending, and removing policies is as follows:

  1. A request for a new, revised, or removal of policy is submitted to the Compliance Group using the Policy Request Form
  2. The Compliance Group:
    1. Identifies responsible office
    2. Identifies stakeholders and parameters of comment period as follows:
      1. All new university policies applicable to faculty and/or staff will include a comment period. Revisions and removal of university policy typically will not include a comment period, but all stakeholders are welcome to submit input on any policy at any time.
      2. Stakeholder input for departmental policies will be obtained through relevant departments or committees.
      3. Faculty – when determining responsibility and stakeholders, the Compliance Group will reference the Faculty Constitution, Faculty Role in Decision-Making.  For areas of primary faculty involvement, the responsible office will be determined through the Faculty Constitution or Faculty Coordinating Committee. For areas of secondary involvement, faculty will be designated as a stakeholder group and input will be obtained through the committee structure, taskforce, or the comment period. 
      4. Staff – when necessary, staff input will be obtained through administration, relevant departments, or the comment period.
      5. Students – when necessary, student input will typically be received through Student Government Association.
    3. Determines approval process:
      1. Departmental Policy – Final approval of Departmental Policy is the appropriate Vice President
      2. University Policy
        1. Faculty Approval – If the policy is an “important change or modification of major policy in areas of primary faculty involvement” it must be approved by the Faculty General Assembly (Faculty Constitution, Faculty Role in Decision-Making).
        2. The President must review and approve all university policies
        3. Board of Trustee Approval – The President will determine if Board of Trustee approval is required under the Bylaws of Thomas More University, Powers and Duties of the Board.
  3. The policy is drafted by the responsible office using the Policy Template. The following must be completed and documented:
    1. obtain stakeholder input
    2. research best practice
    3. consider legal regulations and accreditation standards
    4. review sample policies 

         The policy and documentation of the above is submitted to the Compliance Group.

4. The Compliance Group manages comment period for relevant stakeholders: one week during the academic year and two weeks during the summer. If the policy has significant legal implications for the University it will be vetted by legal counsel.  If the comment period reveals a need for modification, the policy may return to the redrafting phase. 

5. Compliance Group oversees the approval process as outlined for the policy

6. Compliance Group oversees publication and dissemination of policy. Previous versions of policies are maintained by the Compliance Group and are available upon request.

7. Compliance Group oversees evaluation of the policy according to the review cycle established with the policy.





Supersedes Policy

Summarize Change

July 9, 2018

Policy on Policies


Clarification of comment period and maintenance of revised policies

January 22, 2018


New Policy




Signature on file:

President – David A. Armstrong, July 9, 2018